Take look at the articles we have published in the past.
Frank Warwick’s September Blog
Hi there guys hope you had a productive summer I have had one of my best years ever despite Covid restrictions and travel being affected, this has had a significant effect on my fishing as I usually like to do a fair old bit of continental carping.Circumstances made me concentrate on the UK and I…
Barbie Pink part 3 by Archie Braddock
Back to the hard number 1 pit, in early May, and we both had a culture shock – not a bite in seven hours. Back again three days later, another seven hour session for one bite between us; it came to my rod, a 3lb perch to a single Barbie with a maggot feeder. Not…
Frank Warwick’s June Enterprise Blog
Hi everyone I hope your fishing is going as well as you hoped for, its been very strange this year so far weather wise the wettest April since records began and some strange extremes of temperature leading to a much slower start to summer than normal. Obviously with these Covid restrictions things have been awkward…
Barbie pink part 2 by Archie Braddock
After the success of the Barbie/worm combo I stayed too long on that big deep pit, and although I picked up odd fish it was clear the majority of the perch had gone off to spawn. The newly discovered info that perch spawn once the water hits 47½ºf proved correct, but it left me in…
Barbie pink by Archie Braddock
I’ve been a big fan of Enterprise artificial baits since they first released their sweetcorn. This proved to be instant for me, and made catching carp relatively easy; and my rig was simplicity itself. A bomb on the end of the line, a five inch helicopter hooklink just above that, and a single corn hair-rigged…
Frank’s April Blog
Hi there by the time you read this Spring will have sprung and we should be getting woke up by that amazing dawn chorus from the birds that I so look forward to as it heralds a new start to the warm weather we so long for. For many it has been a long bleak…
Harry’s great catches!
I love fishing and gutted that I have to go back to school! At least the nights are getting later so I can go after school for a few hours! . I have been very successful on fake baits. I have caught a few on fake bread and fake dog biscuit . I started on…
Food for thought
Hi everyone I hope you have still managed to be getting some much needed angling in during this second big lockdown! I have been as keen as ever and my winter campaign although interfered with by all this day only rule has been both interesting and fruitful, ill reserve the details for a later report.…
Frank’s November 2020 Blog
Hi everyone I hope you’ve all had a decent Autumn spell for me its been a mixed bag I must admit, let me explain, the two waters I am concentrating on in the UK involve fishing to dense sets of lilly pads and I am literally fishing locked up solid using either goal post set…
Frank’s Blog – September 2020
Hi everyone I hope like me you’ve been enjoying your carp fishing! More than ever I think that 3 month lockdown made me appreciate just how much I love this amazing sport of ours. Since my last blog I have visited my stunning Cheshire syndicate for a 48 hour session – it’s quickly becoming my…