An out and out carper!
One angler who has been using our products from day one has been the one and only Julian Cundiff so we caught up with him to ask him about how he got into carp fishing, waters he has fished and how his fishing is currently going…..
JC: ” The funny thing is that none of my family were ever anglers and the only reason I got into fishing was that riding round a local lake which was Drax Pond I encountered an ‘old chap’ sat behind a green screen and two rods puffing away on a pipe having his ‘Condor’ moment. That man was Eric Hodson the founder of the BCSG with Peter Mohan and a big part of the specialist angling movement…The year ? 1976 and i was all of 13….No idea why it seemed interesting but it was in the next three years I went from being a total beginner to fishing for specimen tench and bream. By the late seventies I was head over heels in love with all my specialist angling and from pike to tench, eels to bream I targeted them all. Then in 1983 I caught a double figure carp when fishing for tench and my fishing world changed immediately.
From then on it was carp, Carp, CARP and apart from the odd dabble for pike in winter for almost 30 years I have been an out and out carper. With my mother being an author ( of religious books ) it was inevitable I would start writing and although I did have stuff published in Coarse Angler and some NASA/NASG mags my first ‘real’ carp article appeared in Carp Fisher ( the Carp Society’s magazine ) in 1986. From author to editor I progressed and as i type this in 2012 I have had six books published including my latest ‘Short Session Success’ which came out in 2009 ; indeed many of todays carp anglers say that my first ‘major’ book in 1993 ‘Practical Carp Fishing’ was their ‘Carp Fever’. With thousands of articles published worldwide from Slovenia to Canada, the UK to Germany I guess that I am a fairly well known face so to speak and hopefully one of the most approachable ones…
With thirty years of carp fishing under my belt the waters I have fished have been many and numerous and have included Savay, Willow Park, Catch 22, Johnson’s and dozens more….And most importantly of all whilst holding down a full time job and not being so obsessive that my carp fishing has taken over my life to the detriment of friends, family and enjoyment and employment.
Currently I fish two syndicate waters for carp to mid thirties but in the colder months target day tickets far and wide such as Drayton, Willow Pool and the like to catch plenty of cold water carp….Unlike some I don’t pack in in November but fish just as keenly all winter as I do in summer. So hopefully when you read my material and see the items I chose to use from the Enterprise range you know that an angler with thirty years experience of fishing waters anyone can fish chooses to use them. Believe me I only use what I KNOW gives me an edge and only promote what I KNOW will give you all an edge. So whether its a forum or a magazine, my Facebook or on the bank that I recommend it you know that its the real deal and not some ‘paid-to-play’ commercial link up….Enterprise an edge….and then some “….
CH: Wow thanks Jules, thats great to hear and we look forward to seeing your tips and catches on the site to help our friends catch the fish of their dreams. Catch Jules work each month in his diary in Crafty Carper , on Facebook and in Carp talk too… The guy never seems to sleep……