Soft buoyant imitation caster ideal for tench, chub, barbel etc.
Over the past few years, our imitation caster have proved to be the ‘top bait’ for specimen tench, accounting for many multiple catches and double figure fish up to 12lb 15oz. Unlike the fake casters produced by some other companies, we purposely enhance the colours of our’s so they stand out from the loose feed. Combined with just the right buoyancy to help counterbalance the hook, plus our added special attractors, our casters consistently out fish those from our rivals.
It’s not just tench that find them attractive. Every season many specimen chub and barbel also fall to them, with their resistance to minnows and other small nuisance fish being a key factor in their success.
Although they are soft enough to side hook, most successful angler’s either fish two or three on a ‘D’ rig, or hair rig them, often in combination with real casters superglued to the hair in a cluster.
Product Code: ET21
Quantity: 20 per pack.
As an independent field tester I have tried and tested virtually every artificial caster that has been released over the past decade. Some offer zero buoyancy, other look identical to the real thing and there have been some that I wouldn’t put within a million miles of my hook. No matter how many versions I’ve tested, I still haven’t been able to find an artificial caster that will out perform the Enterprise Tackle option.
Over the years, they’ve put more tench on the bank for me than any other artificial or natural bait I have used. The buoyancy they give your presentation and the fact that there colouration is different from a natural caster makes them stand out and I believe these are the two factors that have made this bait a permanent part of my specialist bait selection.Top Tip
Try presenting two or three artificial casters on a hair rig using fine braided hook links. I fish this helicopter style and attach a PVA sock full of casters maggots (both dead and alive) with mixed micro and 4mm pellet. Once attached to the bottom of my rig, place my hook in the base of the sock to keep everything tangle free on the cast. This has proven to be one of the most devastating methods I have found when targeting tench during the summer months.
Tight Lines
Ray Best
Alan Stagg demonstrates a rig that he uses combining Enterprise Imitation Maggots and Casters to catch some of his specimen tench and bream every season, in the video below.