This product is no longer available from Enterprise Tackle, we are pleased to announce that One More Cast will be the exclusive seller of this product worldwide.
Ideal for carp, bream, tench etc, our new Corn Skins combine the durability of an imitation bait, with the food source attraction of a real bait.
Available in White & Yellow.
Fill the soft hollow skins with paste to create a balanced bait, use an empty skin or fill with bread to produce a buoyant hook bait. The hair stop can be concealed inside.
Product Code: ET63
Quantity: 10 per pack.
Julian Cundiff says:
“I am not sure how long I have been a user of Enterprise Products but I do remember scrounging a long long time ago some imitation corn off Frank Warwick that had been flavoured with Pineapple and N-Butyric which caught me a lot of fish. Frank informed me that the corn came from Enterprise and although mine was flavoured I would still catch on the unflavoured one. Now anybody who does know Frank will know that he has an inventive mind, is ahead of most anglers when it comes to forward thinking and if he gives you a ‘heads up’ you listen. Since then I have used lots of different products from the stable with their latest creation being one of their cleverest idea’s yet; the Imitation Corn Skin.
The adverts reveal perfectly what they are but think the skin of a plastic corn bait with a lovely hole inside which you can plug and use to your hearts content. I know that some stunning winter fish have been caught with the skins filled with paste but I have been recently using it with the hair attached to a mini hook (16 or so) with half a dozen or so maggots on it. You have this visual skin with a number of maggots under it wriggling like mad but the mini hook being hidden (or Korda maggot clip or whatever you use). On the lake bed it looks incredible with movement, colour and stealth. Carp will not be able to resist that especially when using maggots and liquidised corn as a back up feed.
The skins come in both white and yellow and at just £2.30 for 10, there is absolutely no excuse for any angler not to have a packet in their tackle bag. The combinations you can use are innumerable and I am sure this summer you will see paste, boilie crumb, pellets and particles being used with them.
All I can say is get on them now, let your imagination take hold and thank Enterprise for yet another stunning product that makes carp fishing just a little bit easier”.