‘The Mag-aligner Rig’.

Maggot fishing can be a deadly tactic when trying to outwit carp – mainly because they love eating them!  Maggot fishing is a method that is more commonly used in the cooler winter months, but it also has its place in the spring and summer months too.

Several different rigs can be used to successfully present maggots, but in my opinion none come close to the mag-aligner.
The rig was devised by two hugely successful big carp anglers who cleverly incorporated an Enterprise Tackle Mag-aligner grub slid over the eye of the hook, creating a line aligner effect which ensures that the hook turns in the fish’s mouth making it a very efficient hooking mechanism. The Enterprise grub also helps disguise the hook.
A small Mugga hook really takes some beating when using this style of hooking arrangement.  The curved shape of the hook helps to enhance the hooking mechanism and the straight point takes hold at the slightest opportunity.  This pattern of hook also has the bonus of being available in our new Covert finish – a special camouflage plating. When combined with the sharpness of this pattern you have to look no further when using this rig.
With really fine and small hook baits it is always important that you use a really supple hooklink, which is why I choose Trickster Heavy as my preferred hook length choice with this rig. It’s really soft and smooth and doesn’t inhibit the relatively small hook from doing its job, turning and pricking the fish as soon as the hookbait is inhaled.
Tightly woven Gardner Micromesh PVA is absolutely essential when tying up PVA bags of maggot so they do not wriggle through the holes and escape.  If you tie a tightly compressed bag of maggots to the lead you can nick the hookbait onto the PVA (being careful not to puncture any of the maggots inside) and this effectively stops any tangles and ensures the hookbait is surrounded by a visual and highly attractive patch of freebies.
The mag-aligner is not only a devastating rig for carp, dedicated specimen anglers need look no further either, as  this tactic has accounted for specimen fish of all species on both lakes and rivers.

1. Tie a size 11 or 12 Mugga on with a knotless knot and blob the tag (optional).





2. Using a sewing needle pierce the Mag-aligner grub (orientation as shown)…





3. … and carefully thread it onto your hooklink.





4. Push the grub over the hook eye, making sure the hooklink exits in line with the hook point.





5. Test it’s lined up correctly by gently drawing the hooklink over your finger, the hook should flip over like this every time when it’s right.




6. Either tie to a swivel or tie a loop with a figure of 8 or 16 loop knot.





7. For Stillwater angling we prefer a short hooklink, so cut down tail rubbers so they are not so obtrusive.





8. All that’s left to do is hook on a few maggots and tie a micromesh PVA bag of maggots on to the flexi ring below the lead.




9. Finished Rig.